Roseburg Bible Conference
Learning to Better Understand our Bibles
3031 W Harvard Avenue, Roseburg, Oregon
September 29 -
October 1, 2023
You are invited to join us for a special weekend of teaching and worship!
Roseburg Bible Conference will include three days of dynamic teaching and worship from some of today's foremost Christian leaders. The weekend is designed to encourage and equip you in ministry, in your faith, and in life - all as we learn together to better understand our Bibles. No registration required, and the weekend is FREE!
Join us for one or all of the sessions happening Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There is no cost to attend, no registration required for adults.
Please note that the teaching content/format is intended for an adult audience and we do not recommend attendance for children under age 12.
Childcare will be available on a limited first-come-first-served basis.
Pre-registration for childcare is required. Childcare registration will open August 4th.
Please do not arrive the day of the event, without having registered, in hopes that childcare will be available. We will not be able accept children who have not been registered. Registration closes 9/22.
Inspirational speakers from across the country
Associate Professor of Bible, Theology, World Christianity
Bushnell University
Eugene, Oregon
Friday 9.29
6 - 8 pm
Evan Wickham - A New Temple for Everyone
It's Palm Sunday. Jesus is arriving in Jerusalem to become King, but not in the way most people expect. When the King arrives, He turns the tables on the abusive power players of His day and brings together an unlikely, diverse family, inviting them into the center of God's New Temple. (Isaiah 56:1-8; Matthew 21:12-17)
Evan Wickham earned his M.Div. from Western Seminary in Portland. In 2017, he and his wife, Sandy, planted Park Hill Church in San Diego, where Evan is currently Lead Pastor. Evan enjoys hiking, backpacking, and reading Sci-Fi novels; he also enjoys songwriting and creating music and has released four worship albums.
Saturday 9.30
6 - 8 pm
Scot McKnight - The Christian Life According to the Book of Revelation
John provides, in the book of Revelation, a manual of discipleship for those wondering how to live when those in political power are against them. John instructs believers to learn the art of wisdom to discern the ways of Rome (Babylon), the need for witness in both word and works, and the importance of a kind of worship that subverts the ways of Rome. What John told his churches is just as important today.
Scot McKnight is Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in the western suburbs of Chicago. Scot is ordained clergy in the C4SO diocese of the Anglican Churches of North America and in the last five years he and his daughter, Laura Barringer, and wife, Kris, have been strong advocates for those abused in Christian institutions. Scott is also an author of several books, including Revelation for the Rest of Us, A Church Called Tov and Pivot.
Sunday 10.1
Lakita Wright
All are invited to join us for Redeemer's Fellowship regular weekend services as Lakita shares the scriptures with us.
Lakita Wright is a speaker on topics such as race relations, politics, feminism, teen pregnancy prevention, abortion, HIV/AIDS, faith in culture, and the impact of media on adolescent behavior. She is author of the best-selling book, The Naked Truth About Sex, Love and Relationships. Lakita's ability to serve the greater good of society has been highly recognized and she was awarded the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award by Barack Obama.
8:00 am
9:15 am
11:00 am
6 - 8 pm
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Lakita Wright
Scot McKnight
Evan Wickham
Dr. AJ Swoboda
We hope you'll return on the final evening of the Bible Conference to hear our panel discussion on important Biblical and cultural issues. There will also be a time for questions for our panel!
Dr. AJ Swoboda will be joining us for this evening panel! AJ is a friend of Redeemer's and has been walking our church through a lecture series this year on Sex, Gender & the Bible. AJ is a best-selling author of titles including, Subversive Sabbath and After Doubt, and he is Associate Professor of Bible, Theology & World Christianity at Bushnell University in Eugene.

About Redeemer's Fellowship
We are a non-denominational church that has been gathering in Roseburg, Oregon for nearly 40 years. Coming out of the pandemic with a hunger to grow our understanding of the Bible, we dedicated the year 2022 to be our Year of Biblical Literacy. With crash courses and lectures planned throughout the year, and our first ever Bible Conference as the capstone. We are excited to again host the Roseburg Bible Conference as we continue to pursue a greater knowledge and understanding of God's Word. We hope you'll join us!